The reality of separation and divorce is that it is imperative that the family make a successful transition from one household to two households.
Divorce Coaches help with the transition. This means coaching each party to have productive conversations so that time is used well and a good parenting plan is created. A good parenting plan will promote a good co-parenting relationship which ultimately means reduced stress and tension for both parents and, most importantly, the children involved.
While the coaching environment is not counselling, and people often say, “I don’t need counselling!” coaches use their therapeutice skills to keep the process moving forward. We work with you one on one when necessary, but the bulk of the work is in 4-way meetings.
Even world class athletes need coaching from time to time to stay on top of their game!
And remember, you are in one of the most stressful and anxiety provoking experiences of your life! In the midst of that, you’re being asked to make important decisions that will impact your life and the life of your children for some time to come. Your coach will help you to stay focused and grounded in the process. They’ll help you to be at your best in the circumstances.
I have been working with families since 1980 and a practicing Family Systems Therapist since 1988 when I completed my Master degree. In my practice I see many individuals, couples and families and work with them from a family systems perspective.
I was trained in Collaborative Practice in 2002 and have added a specialty in divorce issues to my practice since then. I am a former Co-Chair of the Collaborative Divorce Vancouver group.
In 2007 I trained as a Parenting Coordinator and since then, as part of my practice, I have been working with high conflict parents and their children.